Terms & Conditions

The following are the terms and conditions that one must accept to become a member of Clearanz. It is understood and acknowledged that any person and business / retailer that signs up with Clearanz to become a member is doing so after having fully read and understood all of the clauses below, as well as agreeing to abide by them under all conditions and situations. Clearanz’s management Clearanz Admin may make whatever changes they wish to the terms outlined below, including adding upon them. And when we do, the changes incorporated will take effect immediately and will be absolutely binding to all members who use the site, individuals and businesses alike.

By using the Website and Services, you acknowledge that you are bound by these terms. If you don’t accept these terms or any amended terms, you must not use our Website or Services.


1. Clearanz is a site in which retailers and other businesses can have their current specials and sales catalogues featured. Clearanz only serves as the venue / site where these specials and other information about the retailer members are posted. It does not take any responsibility nor can it be held responsible for any and all of the information posted in each and any of the posts. Nor is the site or it’s management accountable for the thoughts, motivations, actions and any other attributes of it’s members.

2. Clearanz does not recommend or disapprove of any of the products / specials listed in the site. Although all listings and posts are moderated to make sure nothing has been posted that is outright illegal or unacceptable in some way, which standards are solely those of the administration to decide, the actual merit(s) of a post itself is up to every individual to judge and accept or decline as they see fit, be the person an individual member or representing a business or any other organisation. It doesn’t provide additional resources as part of it’s services to help you interpret those messages, so you can act accordingly.

3. Clearanz is not liable to any of it’s members or anyone else for that matter should some kind of loss or damage occur due to someone relying or not, upon any or all of the information that is posted or not posted, directly or indirectly to whatever degree. If you are uncertain about a certain item that has been posted, please clarify with the concerned party and even then, only after acknowledging that any risks or rewards or loss or damage that stems from your interpretation of anything that has been posted in Clearanz is completely your responsibility / liability / problem and not something that concerns us in any way.

4. Clearanz does not provide any guarantees or assurances or warnings or endorsements about any listing of any or all of it’s members.

5. Clearanz does not guarantee an uninterrupted, fault-free 100% satisfactory service level that is 24/7. Nor do we guarantee a 100% uptime for the site to be operating. Any flaws or problems that the site has or will encounter in whatever way will be fixed to whatever extent as seen as fit by the Administrator, who decides what the time taken to fix a problem can be deemed as appropriate or not. There will be no monetary compensation by way of refunds or credits or anything else if something gets delayed for some members if the message they posted couldn’t be accessed by other parties due to problems the site was having. Likewise, Clearanz cannot and does not guarantee that any file that you download from the site itself or from another site, the link to which was provided by one of our members will be free of damaging codes / entities such as viruses. It is entirely up to a person be they an individual account holder or representing an organisation, to make sure that they are exercising the necessary precautions to make sure they don’t suffer any damage from any kind of file or information exchange that occurs through the site, directly or indirectly.

6. A failure by Clearanz to exercise a right under this User Agreement does not amount to a waiver of the right.

REGISTRATION: You are required to supply some information such as the full name, contact phone number, email address of a contact person as well as the physical address of your business when you register. Anyone found to have deliberately provided false or misleading information in any or all of the categories will have their account deleted. No refunds of the remaining credits will be made in such cases, no matter how much the amount owing. Clearanz Admin reserves the right to accept or decline a retailer or any other business from becoming a member of Clearanz. Individuals cannot register with Clearanz to sell stock – only retailers and registered businesses can register an account.

YOUR ACCOUNT: The details of your account are your own responsibility to maintain and protect. Clearanz admin does not release any of your account details to anyone or any organisation, unless it’s a legal authority who is requesting it along proper channels and for a valid reason. You can update your contact information by filling out the appropriate form. Confidential information such as passwords shouldn’t be given out to anyone else.